How Attorney Stephen T. LaBriola Keeps it Simple in Complex Legal Cases
With legal complexities growing exponentially, Stephen T. LaBriola knows that the simplest approach is often the most effective solution. His years of experience trying cases before juries have taught him the importance of boiling down even the most complex commercial transaction to its core in order to effectively convey a story to the jury. This is why he is frequently called upon in “bet the company” cases and those involving commercial litigation, intellectual property litigation, fraud, False Claims Act (FCA) litigation, and suits involving catastrophic personal injury and death. But what does it mean to keep it simple? Let’s dive into understanding how this principle can be applied to legal matters.

Keeping it simple means breaking down complexity into smaller parts that are easier to understand. As Steve LaBriola explains, “If I am going to lose, why am I going to lose?” He then asks himself why he is right overall and makes his weakness his strength. This allows him to focus on the most important elements in any case – those which will provide clients with the best outcome possible without getting bogged down in unnecessary complexities or details.
In addition to breaking down complexity into simpler elements, keeping things simple also means being able to communicate effectively with juries or other legal personnel such as judges. Lawyers need to be clear and concise when presenting their arguments so that they can be understood by all parties involved in a case. This requires them to have an intimate knowledge of the law and its nuances so that they can explain their points without getting lost in technical jargon or legalese. Being able to explain complicated concepts simply helps lawyers build stronger relationships with their clients and helps ensure that all parties involved understand what is at stake for each side of a dispute.
At its core, keeping it simple means breaking down complex concepts into manageable parts that are easier for everyone involved in a case – from attorneys and judges alike – to comprehend quickly and accurately. This allows attorneys like Steve LaBriola the ability to effectively tell stories about their clients’ experiences while also helping them better connect with juries on an emotional level which can lead them towards victory when fighting for justice on behalf of their clients.
Attorney Stephen T. LaBriola has been instrumental in bringing complex legal disputes before juries since 1985 and has earned the honor of being recognized as the “lawyers’ lawyer” for his ability boil down even the most convoluted transactions into simpler ones that are easier for everyone involved in a case – both attorneys and jurors alike – understand quickly and accurately. He understands that by keeping things simple he can create stronger relationships between himself and his clients which will help him better serve them during times of difficulty or distress when facing daunting legal battles against powerful adversaries such as corporations or governmental entities looking out solely for themselves instead of justice-seekers like himself who fight tirelessly on behalf of those who cannot do so themselves due to lack of resources or knowledge about our nation’s complicated laws. Thus, we should all strive for simplicity when taking on difficult challenges not only because it will make understanding more manageable but also because it may help us reach our goals faster than if we had taken an unnecessarily complicated approach from day one – something that Attorney Stephen T. LaBriola knows well!
The Top Attorneys of North America have crafted this article to provide insight and helpful information of general interest. The goal is to keep readers informed and up-to-date on relevant legal topics – not necessarily offering advice tailored for their individual needs or circumstances.
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Name: Sal Aniano
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Job Title: President